rong to the geng ;p

yeaahh! ronggeng time. haha. today, i went out with my colleagues. after a stressful & tiring weeks of working, so it's time for us to have some chillaxin' session. it was a last minute plan actually but it turned out to be a superb hangout. from the office, we went straight to the mall. 1st destination? k-box! karok sampai okay! haha. kami bernyanyi beramai-ramai & dance2. "ayum ayum". haha. mmg nyanyi xhengat dunia, 2 hours session. penat mengalahkan larian 50km. haha. mmg enjoy!

and owh, last saturday pown hangout jugak dengan colleagues. karaoke? itu harus ada! and plus, bowling session. rasanya mase bowling tu, lg byk gelak dr maen bowling. penat betol. gelak sampai skt perut dan nangis2. haih la, "robot guy". haha.

asyik hangout jew. karok sampai suare serak2. haha. xpe, janji had fun! hilang segala penat & stress. hehe. kudos mereka2 yg kewl + sporting ;)


cik dila said...

op coz la enjoy aimi..
semua pun gilak-gilak..wahaha..
after 31st may,tak dpt dah nak buat semua tu together..mesti sedey kan..

miss ime said...

dila; btol2. mmg enjoy sakan la. gelak sampai sakit perut! lg sakit cm nk ek ek. hehe ;p

haah la. tggl brp bulan je lg kt ley bersama n enjoy2. sdey nye. ;'(

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a simple girl living in an ordinary life. i'm climbing up the stairway to success & hoping for the best in my life.


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