twenty two!

it's coming back! haha. 5/1o. yeaaayyy! why am i so happy? gosh, it's my special day. my born day! hehe. alhamdulillah, i've been here in this world for 22 years, thank u god. i had an amazing life all this while. today, my parents brought me for a dinner, just to celebrate my birthday. thank u dearest mum n dad. i love u both! n thanx a lot too for the guitar. such a lovely guitar. the first guitar i had in my life. eyh, mcm nk jd yuna plak kn? sy xhebat lg, baru nk berjinak2 pown. wish me luck k. hehe.

3/10 lalu, ada mjlis rumah terbuka di rumah. ramai yang hadir termasuk la "bacc 6c clan". fuuuh, ramai betol. sekali gus, korunk dtg ramai2 serbu rumah. haha. terima kasih kerana menceriakan lg suasana. sampai ada yg dok melalak karaoke xhengat dunia ek? hope korunk enjoy la ye ngn d foods and layanan yg diberikan. hehe. surprisssse! ye, sy terkejot kerana disergah dengan spray2 snow tu, cake dan nyanyian "keramat", slmt ari jadi lalalalaala. auuuww. sungguh terharu. terima kasih pada parents ku tersayang, aunties, uncles, cousin2 ku serta "bacc 6c clan". u guys rawks! hehe ;p

terima kasih juga pada kawan2 yg bg ucapan yg istimewa2 itu. sangat menghargainya! dan hadiah2 itu, xiexie nimen! ;)


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a simple girl living in an ordinary life. i'm climbing up the stairway to success & hoping for the best in my life.


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